TriConnex - Coronavirus Update
For our customers and stakeholders, we felt it important to provide an update on how TriConnex is responding to the Coronavirus outbreak.
Firstly, you ought to know we are treating the Coronavirus outbreak very seriously. The business has undertaken extensive planning over the last few weeks, and the safety and well-being of our staff, customers and suppliers remains our highest priority. We will continue to take guidance for our actions from the Government and Public Health England and monitor developments closely.
As much as possible, TriConnex intends to operate its offices and operations as normal whilst also taking sensible precautions to mitigate risk. As such we have focused on sensible personal hygiene measures (e.g. hand washing practices) and have also implemented a number of practical guidelines for the business to follow such as:
- Avoiding the shaking of hands or other physical contact when meeting people.
- Postponement of non-essential face-to-face meetings and utilising Skype or other electronic
communication methods to enable meetings to take place. - Minimising the level of travel, including movement between our internal office locations
- A restriction on hospitality and event attendance
- Removing all but essential face-to-face training
A fundamental part of our planning is on business continuity to ensure our business can continue operating and deliver a great service for our customers. Detailed plans have been produced and scenario analysis undertaken to support this. In the event of an office closure, steps have been taken and investments made to expand our remote working capability and robustness. In addition, we have been in close communication with our supply chain.
As with many other businesses, our position on Coronavirus is dynamic and may be subject to change as Government advice is updated. We recognise the importance of communication at times such as this and will ensure that you and our staff are kept up-to-date on our approach. Additionally, specific communications will be issued to customers should planned works be impacted as a result of the situation escalating.
Finally, if you suspect any of your staff are ill and have had contact with TriConnex staff, we kindly ask that you notify us via your usual business contact to confirm who they may have been in contact with within our business.
Should you wish to discuss anything specific regarding the above please contact a member of the TriConnex team.
David Topping has Housebuilder Magazines Last Word

TriConnex MD David Topping recently featured in Housebuilder Magazines ‘Last Word’.
In the article he considers 2020 as the decade of change, check this out below…
TriConnex appoints new Technical Director, Simon Bower
Major TriConnex milestone at Sherford, Nr Plymouth
Triconnex has reached a major milestone on our Sherford Primary substation build with the installation on site of the first of two Power Transformers – some photos and technical details are included below.
Simon has undertaken the role on an acting basis for the last six months having previously worked in Business Development, Technical and Operations for the business.
Overall, Simon has worked within the Nexus Infrastructure Group for over eight years, having originally started as an Estimator with Tamdown who provide specialised infrastructure, civil engineering and reinforced concrete frame services, and later re-joining the Group as a Senior Technical Co-ordinator for TriConnex.
Simon Bower replaces Simon Gallagher as Technical Director, with Simon Gallagher having been appointed to MD of eSmart Networks, another subsidiary of the Group which provides Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure .
The Group believes in investment and development of its people and is excited to have Simon Bower join the TriConnex board on a permanent basis. His
extensive knowledge of the whole business and our customers needs will continue to ensure the best possible service at all times.
Shape the future of Future Homes
Make sure you respond to the consultation on the proposed Future Homes Standard: changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings. It closes for responses at 11:45 pm on the 20th January 2020.
It represents the most significant single shift in energy and efficiency policy in years.
Chris Doré – Business Development Director – said “The speed and direction of travel from the Government is clear. These proposals could have wide-reaching impacts from overall energy strategy, increased build costs, change in construction methods and products and change in skills required on-site. We are fully engaged in this process and, as a true multi-utility provider, will bring new services to the market for our developer clients.”
If you need help to understand the potential implications for your future developments, get in touch.
the SKY's the limit
SKY, the UK’s leading broadband and entertainment provider, have announced that they have signed a deal to become the first choice broadband supplier on our future fibre networks.
More details will follow soon.
David Topping – TriConnex Managing Director, said: “This deal is a game-changer for the independent fibre market and will bring huge benefits and cost savings to our developer customers, with a household name delivering ultra-fast broadband on day one.”
TriConnex launches first multi-utility EV charging solution
In response to overwhelming demand from our developer clients, TriConnex are adding a fully integrated EV charging section to future utility proposals.
Cutting through the noise and jargon around the subject and being ready for changes in regulation, TriConnex ensures complete integration of network capacity and EV charging need without massively over-engineering the design. From the supply only of residential chargers to communal and community solutions from 7
– 150kW.
Chris Doré – Business Development Director said, “As the only genuinely independent multi-utility provider, our customers rely on us to embrace emerging technologies and provide a simple best-fit integrated solution”.
This new service is designed and delivered in house and included careful product selection to suit your customers needs.
Speak to any of the business development team who will be happy to help.
Cavanna Homes wins TriConnex sponsored award
Continuing its long running sponsorship of the event TriConnex were thrilled to see Cavanna Homes earn the title of medium housebuilder of the year at this years Housebuilder Awards.
Presenting the award David Topping TriConnex Managing Director said “This is well deserved after they were highly commended in best design – three storeys or fewer, finalist in the same category as well as being a finalist in the Training category for its Apprenticeship programme. Congratulations to everyone at Cavanna”
Housing Market Intelligence Conference
TriConnex are proud to be sponsoring the upcoming Housing Market Intelligence Conference on the 8th October, we hope to see many of you there.
Speakers will explore a variety of subjects and the conference will also see the launch of the annual Housing Market Intelligence report.
Find out more and get your ticket here
Record number of plot connections in August
August saw TriConnex make a record number of plot connections for the month.
Well done to all our teams on delivering this milestone as we continue our growth as a business.